Donating 10% 🔷


I’m taking Giving What We Can’s Trial Pledge 🔷 to donate 10% of my income in 2025 to highly effective charities.

Why I’m donating

I’m choosing to donate 10% of my income, because:

Donating 10% is something I’ve thought about since college, but I delayed pulling the trigger because:

I paid off my student loans earlier this year. My discount rate has also gone up significantly – I’m much less confident about what the world will look like in 30 years1 and value near-term impact more highly.

Reading about the ‘Veil of Ignorance’ thought experiment also resonated with me- if I had been born as someone less fortunate, or as a factory farmed animal, would I want those who had the opportunity to help to take action? My answer is a resounding yes.

Why share publicly?

I’m sharing my reasons for taking the Trial Pledge 🔷 because transparency around giving can inspire others and shift social norms. Reading others’ reasons for donating influenced my decision. I hope that others might find value in my reasoning for donating and think that incredible good can be accomplished if more people give.

Where I’m donating

I plan to donate to funds instead of individual charities because they have dedicated researchers who can evaluate opportunities more thoroughly, and can reallocate money as new needs emerge. Here’s my planned allocations and reasoning:

I’ll evaluate my giving next year to decide whether to take the full 10% Pledge 🔶, continue my trial pledge 🔷, or choose another path.

If you’re interested in effective giving, I’m happy to:

If you think you might benefit from discussing any of this, please reach out- I’m always happy to chat!

  1. AI is the elephant in the room here. ↩︎

  2. This number obviously comes with uncertainty, but is highly researched. ↩︎